[Sca-cooks] Putting this list to the task...

rattkitten rattkitten at hughes.net
Fri Jan 26 18:26:30 PST 2007

Well to be honest I was thinking for a feast but it was just a general 
question.  I dunno would anyone on here have a problem "ordering" meat 
or whatever and sending it to someone else on the list that was cooking 
for a feast?   Mostly I am thinking as an example... some of us live in 
Atlanta GA.  There is a great store down there that has incredible 
prices on meats.  (I'd have to go and look down there.)  So I would 
think that it would be smart to make good friends with fellow cooks down 
there, and send them $$$ and have them shop and ship the meat back.  In 
the past we have always simply run down there before the event or (in 
the case of the Role Playing Game that I was cooking with) hit the 
stores on the way to the State Park where we holding our game weekend. 
    It would be easier to have someone ship it.  Or in a case like the 
rabbit or ducks or whatever... Do a price check and have whoever has the 
best price pick up the meat/whatever and package and ship it.  (All 
money would be sent ahead of time of course.  Wouldn't make someone 
spend their own $$$)  This would be especially nice in the cases where 
you don't have the item that you really want. (ex Blood Oranges.) Or 
they are at a horrid price. 
Just a thought really.


Maggie MacDonald wrote:
> Are we talking household use, or feast use?
> Cheers,
> maggie MacD. 

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