[Sca-cooks] Wecker -- To Roast Salmon

ranvaig at columbus.rr.com ranvaig at columbus.rr.com
Sat Oct 6 17:32:37 PDT 2007

A few comments:

>eines so vil als des andern/

one so much as the other

>alles klein gestossen

all crushed small

>/ vermisch auch mit Saltz nicht zu vil/

mixed also with salt but not too much

>es sol seyn wie ein du:ennes Pfefferbru:elein

it should become like a thin pepper broth

>bestrew den Rucken vberal wol/

sprinkle well over the saddle

>vnd bestreich den Rucken

and spread the saddle

> biß er genug gebraten/

until it is roasted enough

>  2.. Muskatblu:eh. As written the word doesn't make sense. I'm translating
>it as Muskatblute or mace. The same word could conceivably be translated as
>muscat flower or young muskat grape. I think mace is more likely.

I'd agree that this means mace.

>  3.. Trucknen. I am reading this a trocken, meaning to dry, parch, etc. I
>believe this is probably a colloquial usage.

Rumpolt uses trucken to mean a roast served without sauce or cooked dry.

>  4.. Vorgemelte. I could find no literal translation of this word. I am
>translating it as "blend" because I think it may be related to the modern
>"schmelzen," "to melt." Schmelzen seems to imply high heat and industrial
>melting, so it is not a precise match. A Middle German replacement would be

Could the verb be "melden"  announce or mention?  Put the spices mentioned before into the hot fat.  Rumpolt has "wie es vorhin gemeldt ist", "wie vorhin vermeldet ist", " mach es mit Gewürz und Zucker/ wie es vorhin vermeldt ist worden", "Nun folgen vier Bancket der Konigen in Vngern vnd Böhem/ darinn vermeldet/ was für Speiß vnd Tachten/ nicht allein auff die Fleisch/ sondern auch auff die Fasttage/ zuzurichten seyen."


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