[Sca-cooks] Pots and pens event-Midlands-Midrealm

Hufeld, Sheila Marie smhufel at ilstu.edu
Wed Oct 3 06:31:22 PDT 2007

Greetings to the cooks of the Midrealm. On Decemeber 1st, The Shire of
Baile na Scolairi is holding the Pots and Pens event for scribes and
cooks.  If you have a cooking class that does not require a kitchen, we
want you.  Contact Lady Eithne at  smhufel at ilstu.edu or Lady Cat at
catcheen at verizon.net 

For a description of the event see below.

Baile na Scolairi is again hosting a scribal event this December 1st.
The shire has added a few cooking classes - thus the name change to
"Pots and Pens" but there will be plenty of tables, work space, and
display space for us to get together and practice our scribal arts. The
site is the same as Inkin' in Lincoln last year - Davis Lodge near Lake

Please check out the web site link on the Middle Kingdom online calendar
for directions and more details.

Our cooks will again be providing us with a generous lunch. Should you
wish to stay later for some possible bardic activities in the evening,
there will be soup and left-overs for dinner and plenty of space for
scribal schmoozing while we are serenaded by those more musically

If any of you would like to teach something scribal, please contact me
and I will arrange space and time for you to do so. Otherwise, it's
pretty much an open house scribal play pen for us to teach and share our
skills, materials, and fellowship.

Bring your pretty scrolls to show off!

We are also requesting a blank scroll for the Kingdom Signet's office in
addition to the $2 site fee. If you don't feel up to making a blank,
canned goods or non-perishable foods for the local food bank will be
just as welcome. If you forget or don't have time to complete your
blank, I'll be bringing extras so see me and I'll make sure to get you
past that nasty old troll at the door! (Well, maybe not nasty. All our
shire members are really quite friendly and helpful.)

Please feel free to invite your scribal friends from across the kingdom
and I hope to see you all there!

"To live is so startling; it leaves little time for anything else."
Emily Dickinson 

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