[Sca-cooks] Teaching in the SCA

Caointiarn caointiarn1 at bresnan.net
Wed Apr 23 06:41:00 PDT 2008

Since the list is quiet, does anyone have thoughts on teaching and 
> classes in the SCA? 
> >Johnnae
I enjoy teaching, and think I do fairly well.  I generally teach
subjects I have been successful at or currently studying.  I'm putting
together a class on bread for the "small Shire circuit" and Uprising.
I've also been teaching a "hands on" class for medieval spices,  passing
around samples of the various spices used in the different kitchens, and
encouraging students to take home a sample or two to experiment with.  
My own Shire has lacked a MoAS for 3 (?) years, and in wild northeastern
Artemisia there is a 6 hour drive to the nearest Laurel.  Many of them
don't travel much, hence the "small Shire circuit."  
While I've had my share of 1 -2 students in a class,  I have also been
disappointed looking forward to a particular class only to have it
cancelled because the teacher decided not to attend.  

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