[Sca-cooks] A challenge and a contest for the fine historical cooksof this list

Kingstaste kingstaste at comcast.net
Fri Apr 11 08:04:26 PDT 2008

Wow, without checking any resources, or just the net and the OED?  Off the
top of my head, I can do maybe half a dozen of these - if anyone knows all
of those well enough to get more than a few (without looking them up!), I
will be very impressed! lol
I will look forward to seeing the entire list with definitions when you get
through with the challenge.

1.  belly-cheer (1579)
2.  bukenade (1425)
3.  bunnell (1594)
4.  cibaries (1599)
5.  companage (1325)
6.  consy (1400)
7.  coupage (1483)
8.  cribble (1599)
9.  crustade (1390)
10. dactyl (1398)
11. defy (1362)
12. diapente (1610)
13. dight (1300)
14. disdiet (1576)
15. dwale (1300)
16. easement (1400)
17. embamma (1623)
18. este (1000)
19. fample (1230)
20. fart (1552)
21. friand (1598)
22. gramaungere (1400)
23. ingroten (1440)
24. lickerous (1275)
25. lopyn (1430)
26. mellinder (1604)
27. mete-custi (1205)
28. mortress (1377)
29. mugget (1596)
30. muse (1578)
31. pingle (1600)
32. pot-net (1562)
33. rambur (1600)
34. rivelled (1565)
35. saulee (1377)
36. snode (1150)
37. solein (1440)
38. splat (1400)
39. talmouse (1600)
40. wallop (1577)

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