[Sca-cooks] Fruit and Meat

Sharon R. Saroff sindara at pobox.com
Thu Aug 14 09:53:17 PDT 2008

Several years ago I did a period recipe for Tzimmis at Trial By 
Fire.  Tzimmis is a sweet meat dish the contains dried fruit, root 
veggies and meat.  The spicing is sweet.  It is traditional to have 
Tzimmis on Rosh Hoshanah and Sukkott.  Another recipe I have used is 
a mince pie that I made from a recipe for rabbit in one of Cariadoc's 
cookbook's.  The recipe noted that chicken could be substituted.  I 
have done chicken and I have done lamb.  Putting it into a pie was my 
idea.  It has been a hit and can be served warm or cold.  I will look 
for the recipes and post them.


At 03:39 AM 8/14/2008, you wrote:
 >  Stefan wrote:
 >>  Dragon said:
 >>  > I think a large part of the problem is that people in the U.S. are
 >>  > acculturated to assume fruit = sweet = dessert while meat = not sweet
 >>  > = not dessert.
 >Of course this type of binary thinking may be useful in computer
 >programming ;-) but it doesn't take the grey areas of the real world
 >into account.
 >>  Some of this may be true. Can anyone give me a "dessert" dish that
 >>  *does* contain meat?
 >>  The only one I could think of is mincemeat pie, but I also believe
 >>  mincemeat pie doesn't actually contain any meat.
 >Do you mean screamingly modern American? Or are you casting a wider net?
 >There are several sweet dishes that include shredded chicken in both
 >Medieval Europe (blancmange) and the Middle East
 >The modern day Turks continue to make sweet dessert porridges that
 >include shredded chicken.
 >One SCA-period version is Pirinc Herise (the "c" is pronounced like
 >an English "j", and the second word has three syllables), "pirinc"
 >being Ottoman for "rice" and derived from Persian.
 >Pirinch herisesi - Herise of rice.
 >The art of preparing it is the following. Clean a fat chicken and
 >place it on the fire, let it boil, and lift off the foam. When the
 >blood comes out of the chicken, withdraw it from the fire, separate
 >the breast/white, press it well to make it give off any liquid, and
 >shred it with the fingernails to make threads. It is better to shred
 >it while it is still tender (hot). Pass cleanly through a strainer
 >the broth of the above-mentioned chicken to remove all foam. Clean
 >the rice, wash it, soak it in the strained chicken broth, and place
 >it on the cinders to keep it warm. Let it rest thus soaking until it
 >absorbs the broth. When it is completely soaked, cook it with fresh
 >milk, that it cooks as it should. Stir it with a ladle so that the
 >bottom doesn't burn. Adjust its salt, that it is neither too much nor
 >too little salted. Just before withdrawing it from the fire, add the
 >sugar according to taste, so that the flavor is just right. Add next
 >the shredded white chicken meat, mix it all together, and withdraw
 >from the fire. Add a little clarified sweet butter and let it rest a
 >little. Arrange it in dishes, sprinkle with rose water, dust with
 >powdered sugar, and eat.
 >------- Shirvani, folio 110 verso - 111 recto, 2nd half of 15th C.
 >(translation mine, copyright 2006)
 >And there's another dish, called Me'muniyye among Shirvani's recipes,
 >which has a descendent in modern Turkey known as "chicken breast".
 >The preparation of ma'muniyye.
 >Sugar or white honey 400 dragmes, butter of milk 150 dragmes, rice
 >flour washed, brayed, and passed through a sieve 350 dragmes. First
 >place the butter in a pot, when the butter begins to boil add the
 >rice flour, cook a little. Next add on top of the cooked flour, and
 >while the pot remains on the fire, the honey from which one has
 >lifted off the foam, the milk, the shredded breast of chicken, but
 >add a little rose water to the honey. Cook it all on a gentle fire
 >while stirring continually. Add as well a handful of brayed almonds.
 >Leave to cook until the paste becomes granular and quite thick. Draw
 >it from the fire. Take quantities equal to an egg, place them in
 >molds in the form of a bowl, push well with a spoon so that the
 >pieces wed the form, and next arrange them in a frying pan. Place it
 >on the embers with a little oil and cause the pieces to fry, turning
 >them until they are golden on all sides. Arrange them next on a
 >plate, pour under and over them powdered sugar in quantity, brayed
 >almonds, and rose water with musk. It is also possible to consume
 >them without frying them.
 >------- Shirvani, folio 121 recto - verso, 2nd half of 15th C.
 >(translation mine, copyright 2006)
 >I'm not really a porridge kind of guy, but i really want to make
 >those Ma'muniyya. (yes, the spelling is inconsistent... it's shown up
 >all three ways in several books)
 >Of course, an Ottoman feast had savory dishes punctuated by sweet
 >dishes throughout the meal. A particular sweet was the penultimate
 >dish, followed by cooked sheep's heads and trotters, and sausage-like
 >items, which formed the grand finale...
 >As for modern sweets, the bacon-dark-chocolate bar i mentioned a
 >while back, well, a number of chocolatiers are making variations on
 >that theme...
 >And there are all those recipes i posted a week or two ago featuring
 >*BACON* (drool, drool)
 >- Bacon Apple Caramels
 >- Bacon-Gingerbread to make a house
 >- Sweet Bacon Shortbread
 >- Bacon Chocolate Fudge
 >Urtatim (that's err-tah-TEEM)
 >the persona formerly known as Anahita
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Sharon R. Saroff, M.S.Ed.
Special Education Consultant/Parent Advocate
S.E.D.R.A., Inc.
info at mydisabilityresource.com

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