[Sca-cooks] Wanted: Bean Recipes

Nick Sasso grizly at mindspring.com
Thu Aug 14 08:26:10 PDT 2008

#41 Fasoli
Coce li fasoli in aqua pura ho in bono brood; he quando serano cotti, tole
cipolle tagliate suttile he frigele in patella [f? 15r} cum bono olio he
mette de sopra queste cipolle fritte cum pipero he canella he zaffrano; poi
lassali reposare sopra las cinere calda uno peza; et poi fa le menestre cum
specie bone de sopra.

Kidney Beans (#41)
Cook the kidney beans in pure water or good broth; wheny they are cooked,
get finely sliced onions and fry them in a pan with good oil and put these
fried onions on top [of the beans] along with pepper, cinnamon and saffron;
then let this sit a while on the hot coals; dish it up with good spices on

Scully, T. (2000).  Cuoco Napoletano - The Neapolitan Recipe
        Collection: a critical edition and English translation.
        Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.)

Niccolo's Recipe
Serves 6 to 8

1 pound fields peas, crowder peas, black-eyed peas, or similar
1 medium onion, sliced thin
1 tsp black pepper
1 1/2  tsp cinnamon
10 strands saffron crushed steeped in 1/4 cup very warm broth

Cook Kidney beans in water or broth until just tender (or use high quality
canned).  Fry sliced onions in a pan with oil; add saffron and remove from
heat immediately. Put the beans in single layer in a shallow casserole; on
top of the beans sprinkle with black pepper, cinnamon and then
onions/saffron spread evenly on top.  for larger quantities, layer beans and
onions alternately.   Bake at 350F for about 30 minutes.

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