[Sca-cooks] suggested message protocal

Elaine Koogler kiridono at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 12:04:49 PST 2008

On Mon, Jan 28, 2008 at 7:24 PM, Gwen Barclay <gwenb at cvtv.net> wrote:

> Re/ the current question of whether or not to include recipes brings up
> the problem of just too many e-mails to plow through each day.  Perhaps
> members could restrain themselves from simply "agreeing or disagreeing"
> without offering any new information or research, etc.

I don't think we see much of this...usually when folks respond, they do have
additional information to share.

> I, for one, would also appreciate less "off subject" commentaries and more
> "meat" for the participants. One should also remember that to reply only to
> the person who has a comment of interest to a limited number. Perhaps  some
> of the repetitions could be eliminated.

Yes, there are some off subject commentaries...and some appear to be quite
frivilous.  However, as others have noted, this is a conversational-type
situation, and to restrict these might lead to restricting commentary that
is more valuable.  Also, some of it does provide levity that can lighten an
otherwise dull day!

> Please remember too, that including the e-mail you have received clutters
> up the screen and makes it difficult to find the latest addition.  Change
> your e-mail settings to "not" include original message.  I have difficult
> figuring out where the discussion began.

We have been asked repeatedly not to simply hit "Reply", but to edit the
included messages down to the specific points we wish to address.  If we
leave out all of the message we are responding to, then we run the risk of
losing context...especially when the previous message has been  missed or
deleted.  I do think that the idea of using something like gmail does make
this a little easier...  Also...note here how I have answered each of your
points in turn.  If the previous message weren't included, I couldn't have
done this!

> Regarding including recipes:my thought is that distinctly different
> recipes should make it to the list-serve...
> and again, can be sent only to the person who begins the conversation.
>  This habit should cut down the clutter considerably.

Possibly a good idea, but I have collected numerous recipes that I have used
in my feast work that were responses to someone else's query.  Please, for
goodness sake, don't even consider this!

As others have said, I have been on this list for a number of years, and
have thoroughly enjoyed it.  I did suspend my membership for a while some
years back...I had just landed a job that I thought would keep me too busy
to participate in a busy list like this one...especially as there are 5
other lists that I belong to!  However, I rejoined because I found that I
missed the congenial company I had found on this list.


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