[Sca-cooks] A Midrealm Cook's Passing

Mairi Ceilidh jjterlouw at earthlink.net
Sun Jul 13 15:18:04 PDT 2008

I have no words.  He was a friend and an inspiration, and though I only saw
him at Pennsic, he had a great effect on my early path toward becoming a
cooking Laurel.  I am sad.  I will miss his gentle smile.  Someone please
give Master Bacilius a huge hug from me until I can do it myself in a couple
of weeks.

Mairi Ceilidh, OL, OP, Trimaris

Greetings!  Some of you may have known Master Osric Cumbra (Elbe Cheek)
from the Cincinnati area.  He taught a number of classes at Pennsic on a
number of cooking topics.  He passed away yesterday, July 12, from a
massive heart attack.  He was a Laurel in cooking and produced excellent
feasts.  I'm not certain how old he was but he might have been in his 40s. 
I am still moving in disbelief and feeling quite mortal.

Alys Katharine

Elise Fleming
alysk at ix.netcom.com

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