[Sca-cooks] Some info on cheesemaking

Stefan li Rous StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
Tue Jun 3 22:41:23 PDT 2008

Euriol mentioned:
<<< Making cheese is something very new to me (obviously) and I've been
hesitant over the years to try. When I had easy access to a source of  
milk I thought it was time to give it a whirl. I'll be doing a little  
reading and will be saving your notes to reference prior to my next
attempt. >>>

Yes, there seem to be a number of accomplished cheesemakers on this  
list at this time.

You also might be interested in looking through this file in the FOOD  
section of the Florilegium where I've tried to collect some of the  
advice that folks have given here and other places over the years.
cheesemaking-msg (160K)  2/ 9/08    Comments and info. on  
cheesemaking. Recipes.

You don't have to have raw milk to make good cheese, though. While  
pasteurization and homogenization both have an effect on milk, some  
of the problems with modern milk have more to do with the fact that  
even "whole" milk has often had much of the cream skimmed off and  
sold separately. Sometimes this can be offset by adding some cream  
back in. You will find comments about this in that file, though.

Another general file on cheese-making:
Cheese-Making-art (30K)  9/29/97    "Cheese Making for the Compleat  
Novice" by
                                        Lady Aoife Finn.

For more info on various types of cheeses and some recipes, there are  
also these files:
Charles-Chees-art (14K)  2/27/02    "Charlemagne's Cheese: a study in  
                                        un/reliability of sources" by  
cheese-lnks       (15K) 10/ 1/04    Links to medieval and modern cheese
                                        by Dame Aoife Finn of Ynos Mon.
cheese-msg       (186K)  9/23/07    Medieval cheese. Recipes.
fresh-cheeses-msg (44K)  2/ 3/08    Fresh cheeses such as cream  
cheese and
                                        cottage cheese. Non-aged  
whey-cheeses-msg  (32K)  6/ 1/06    Cheeses such as ricotta made from  
the liquid
                                        left after making other cheeses.

For now these are all in the FOOD section, though when I get the  
time, I will probably make a new section FOOD-DAIRY and move these  
and a few other files there.

There is also this file in the FOOD-MANUSCRIPTS section which might  
be of interest:
About-Cheese-art  (12K)  3/ 4/05    "About Cheese" A tranlation by  
Aelianora de
                                        Wintringham of a 1556 letter  
on Swiss
                                        cheese and dairy products.

THLord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
    Mark S. Harris           Austin, Texas           
StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at:  http://www.florilegium.org ****

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