[Sca-cooks] recipes w/spice

otsisto otsisto at socket.net
Thu Jun 26 11:23:07 PDT 2008

Thank you. :)

-----Original Message-----
 found this recipe in The Medieval Kitchen, Recipes from France and Italy,
which pulls a lot of recipes from a variety of Medieval sources. This is
recipe is Italian recipe found in Libro della cucina del secolo XIV, which
is a 19th century publication of medieval recipes. The Original and
Translated versions of this recipe are provided below with my

Original Recipe:
Fungi di Monte. Toglie fungi di monte, e lessali: e gittatene via
l’acquaa, mettili poi a friggere con cipolla tritata minuto, o con bianco
di porro, spezie e sale e dà a mangiare.

English Translation:
Mountain Mushrooms. Take mountain mushroom and boil them; and discard the
water; then fry them with finely sliced onion, or with white of leek,
spices, and salt, and serve.

Mustard Sauce
Source: Le Ménagier de Paris

Original Recipe:
…Item, et se vous la voulez faire bonne et à loisir, mectez le senevé
tremper par une nuyt en bon vinaigre, puis la faictes bien broyer au
moulin, et bien petit à petit destremper de vinaigre. Et se vous aves des
espices qui soient de remenant de gelée, de claré, d’ypocras ou de
saulces, si soient broyées avec et après la laissier parer.

English Translation:
Item, if you would make good mustard and at leisure, set the mustard seed
to soak for a night in good vinegar, then grind it in a mill and then
moisten it little by little with vinegar; and if you have any spices left
over from jelly, clarry, hippocras or sauces, let them be ground with it
and afterwards prepare it.


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