[Sca-cooks] dandelions

otsisto otsisto at socket.net
Wed Mar 12 01:20:45 PDT 2008

Gerard has it used for coughs with phlegm and helpful to the liver and
An article on the Red Book of Hergest, 13th cent., says that  foxglove was
used in a poultice to treat tumors.
Side note, the flowers were used in dyeing.

-----Original Message-----
It is my understanding, while foxglove has been used medicinally for
centuries, the knowledge that it can be used to treat cardiac conditions is
relatively modern.  Dr. William Withering studied an old Shropshire remedy
for dropsy and determined that the effective ingredient was foxglove.
Dropsy is an obsolete term for edema, swelling due to the body's retention
of fluids.  The diuretic properties of foxglove were useful in treating both
cardiac and renal edema.  Withering published his treatise on the subject,
"An Account of the Foxglove and Some of its Medical Uses; with Practical
Remarks on Dropsy and Other Diseases," in 1785.

Foxglove as a treatment for heart disease was identified and researched by
Dr. John Ferriar in 1799.

Since edema is fairly common in people with heart problems, foxglove was
very likely used as part of the treatment for dropsy with the side benefit
of ingesting a cardiac glycoside.


----- Original Message -----

Digitalis comes fron foxglove.  It was actually used
as a tea in Medieval times for people who had heart
problems.  At least that's what I've read in my herb


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