[Sca-cooks] Atlanta Tornado

kingstaste at mindspring.com kingstaste at mindspring.com
Sun Mar 16 19:55:32 PDT 2008

Hey all, 
I just got back on-line (it has sure been an interesting couple of days to be without my computer!). 
The storm on Friday night came within 2 miles of my house, but nothing but light rain here.  Saturday was more exciting - the dogs and I spent quite a bit of time hiding out in the central bathroom of the house while hail and rain and wind pelted the house.  No damage here, although I did measure 2 inch hail stones in my front yard when I ventured out - and that was after they had had a chance to melt a bit.  
Downtown is in rough shape, the big buildings are still shedding glass in the winds, it really does look like a bomb went off.  
Um, food content - I made a really cool mushroom stuffing for a big turban squash last night, and ate it while my computer was being re-installed. (Sorry, best I could do!)

>Hey folks in Atlanta,
>Are you guys ok?  I'm watching news this morning about the twister that hit Atlanta last night.  It looks like it was a really serious storm, but the newscasters are saying that no one was killed.  I just hope you're all ok.

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