[Sca-cooks] Turkish Cuisine ebook now available!

Elaine Koogler kiridono at gmail.com
Tue Nov 18 06:47:22 PST 2008

 A number of you wanted information about Dame Hauviette d'Anjou's ebook on
Turkish Cuisine. It is now available, and she has sent out the following
announcement.  At this point, if you order from the web, there is no SCA
discount because verifying your membership would be very difficult.  So, if
you want a discount, you should purchase your copy at an event.  However, be
aware that the downloaded version is only $19.  For those in Atlantia, I am
making an effort to have some available at Twelfth Night.


Good Day everyone!
As you know I have been recreating food from history for dinners, banquets
and unique events for years. Some time ago I decided to make my work
available to the public by creating a one of a kind historical cookbook. I'm
pleased to announce that my long awaited interactive electronic cookbook is
now available!

"Celebration at the Sarayi: Reliving a feast in the palace of Suleyman the
Magnificent" is a multi-media,  interactive cookbook  where you can travel
back in time and relive a feast at Istanbul's famed Topkapi Palace. You will
hear the storyteller's descriptions of the palace milieu, see a backdrop of
historical images, review the original historical sources and watch me
demonstrate techniques for dishes I adapted for a modern kitchen. Then you
can print out the recipes and head to the kitchen to create your own
fabulous feast!

*This multi sensory experience can be found on CD (only $24) or as a down
loadable PDF file (only $19) online at
*(go to the Ebooks tab on the left side of the screen) or **
www.tecpublishing.com* <http://www.tecpublishing.com/>

Want to get the book and save cash or raise funds for your group? You can
also become an affiliate (free and simple) and sell the book from your
website, earning a 15 percent commission on each sale.

Retail book sales- if you are interested in carrying the ebook in a retail
setting, please contact Tom Chmielewski at
tom at tecpublising.com<http://us.mc580.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=tom@tecpublising.com>for

See an excerpt from "Celebration at the Serayi" online at
www.rencuisine.com and
www.tecpublishing.com .

Look forward to more unique culinary experiences with Chef Channon!


Channon Mondoux
Renaissance Cuisine

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