[Sca-cooks] Stefan pulls a Drakey

Elaine Koogler kiridono at gmail.com
Wed Nov 26 08:14:04 PST 2008

We were looking at a similar kind of thing (the water heater needing
replacement in a shorter than normal time) in our house when we built it 12
years ago.  However, the guys who came to replace the whole-house humidifier
on our furnace showed us why it had to be replaced...build-up on the
strainer.  He said that it was a problem that would shorten the life of all
of our appliances that use water, from the refrigerator with its
through-the-door water tap, washer, water heater, even the pipes going to
sinks, etc.  What he recommended was the we get a whole-house water
softener.  Which we did.  The initial cost was expensive, but it has only
cost us a little to make sure the salts are refilled each month.  And we
haven't had any further problems with the buildup of silt, etc.  And the
water is now wonderfully soft, and better for my skin!!  Just don't water
your orchids with it!  I lost 4 of the buggers until it was pointed out to
me that they don't like the salts that are used in the water softening


On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 10:17 AM, Georgia Foster <jo_foster81 at hotmail.com>wrote:

> Just for the record, depending on your location and the age and security of
> your water supply system those things can silt up inside.  Even after you
> drain the sucker it is exponentially heavier than the new one.
> Seems like every place I move I end up replacing the water heater.  The
> mobile home we bought when we got stationed at Ft Bragg and Camp LeJeune,
> the little railroad house that we bought when we got ReFRADwent through 2,
> The mobile home I bought when I moved out and left him the little railroad
> house, and the house I bought 18 months ago ALL required new water heaters
> within the first year of ownership.
> on a related tangent, I have never replaced a forced air central heat
> heater.  That opportunity has begun to present itself.  The house I bought
> 18 months ago has what is likley the oldest heater in Sweetwater County.  It
> takes up a footprint of 6 ft x 5 ft by 5 ft.  It will require disassemble
> and pass through the trapdoor hole.  It will be ...   a festive opportunity.
>  I will VERY likely pay to have it installed by a professional.
> cheers
> Malkin
> Jo (Georgia L.) Foster Never knock on Death's door.Ring the doorbell and
> run ... he hates that. I don't want to set the world on fire, I'm just
> trying to light a candle.
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