[Sca-cooks] SCA Cook's 100 Favorite Period Foods

Kingstaste kingstaste at comcast.net
Mon Sep 8 14:46:54 PDT 2008

So we've found this little list and exercise amusing, albeit pretty out of
period. I did note that several of the items I answered yes on were things I
had eaten in the SCA, and many times they were better than what I later had
in a more authentic/ethnic setting (the haggis comes to mind).  
Since we are cooks interested in promoting the study of period foods, what
100 items would we say were essential to taste to understand the medieval
mindset about food?  I know we'll have a skewed version of this, more the
'SCA Cook's Favorites' list, but it could be a useful teaching tool. Or it
could just be a further amusing exercise :)
I'll start, although I'm sure I won't come up with 100 items.  Please feel
free to add on.  I'll keep a master list if we like.  

1.  Almond Milk
2.  Blancmange
3.  Pan Perdue
4.  Frumenty
5.  Gingerbrede
6.  Saffron
7.  Powder Douce
8.  Powder Forte
9.  Egrydouce
12. Fresh Cheese
13. Whey
14. Mead
15. Small Beer
16. Jalab or other syrup and water drink
17. Hyppocras 
20. Green Sauce
21. Pepper Sauce
22. Jance Sauce
23. Cameline Sauce
24. Garlic Sauce
25. Mustard
26. Fruit Sauce
27. Sauce Robert
28. Lord's Salt
31. Venison
32. Wild Boar
33. Rabbit
34. Goose
35. Salt Cod
36. Small game birds
37. Small game animals
39. Endored meat
40. Funges (Leeks and mushrooms in gingered broth)
41. Fava Beans
42. Turnip
43. Compost
44. Chick Peas
45. Potherbs

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