[Sca-cooks] Helpful Hint from Whomever #987

Johnna Holloway johnnae at mac.com
Sat Aug 1 18:26:59 PDT 2009

Pardon the send before the message.
(I have been at work on a search of something in Google books all evening.
I have been noting, copying, pasting, and sending messages to myself all 
in this search.)

I was going to suggest YouTube and of course the first thing that comes 
up in
a search of mango peeling is
How Jesus Would /Peel/ a /Mango/ *...* /Mango peeling/ bible


> Phil Troy / G. Tacitus Adamantius wrote:
>> Now that I think of it, I've also seen street mango vendors jam the 
>> mango on a thickish wooden skewer, like a candy apple skewer or one 
>> of those disposable chopsticks, and then peel it and only partially 
>> cut the flesh off the seed, leaving a sort of tulip blossom/rose shape.
>> Never bought one, but they look good. I spent a lot of time in 
>> Manhattan and Brooklyn, but usually I'm en route from one place to 
>> another, and rarely just strolling or in a position to stop and get 
>> coated with fruit juice from head to toe. My wife, OTOH, is more 
>> elemental about these things.
>> I'm one of those "afraid of staining the necktie" guys, which is 
>> interesting if you've ever seen me in chef's whites; I tend to be a 
>> blob of food shaped like a man.
>> Adamantius 

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