[Sca-cooks] Haggis Tempest

Terry Decker t.d.decker at att.net
Sun Aug 9 07:06:39 PDT 2009

"HAGGIS was invented by the English before being hijacked by Scottish
nationalists, a food historian has claimed.
Catherine Brown has discovered references to the dish in a recipe book
dated 1615, /The English Hus-wife/ by Gervase Markham."



I'm having a little line trouble with my connection, so I'm not able to pull 
in all the articles, so if I err pray forgive me.

As I understand Brown's argument, haggis first appears in Markham, the 
Scottish use of the term haggis only begins in the 18th Century, ergo haggis 
is an English dish only recently adopted by the Scots.

While the recipe in Markham may be the closest to modern haggis, there are 
recipes for the dish in Liber Cure Cocurum and the Two Fifteenth Century 
Cookery Books, predating Markham by almost 200 years.  As for the late 
adoption of haggis by the Scots, William Dunbar uses the term in The Flyting 
of Dunbar and Kennedie, written in the first decade of the 16th Century, a 
century before Markham.  Haggis may have been an English dish originally 
(possibly adopted and adapted from the Romans), but it's not as recent 
addition to the Scottish table as Ms Brown seems to think.


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