[Sca-cooks] P B & J

Lisa ladyemp at sbcglobal.net
Wed Aug 26 13:35:17 PDT 2009

*sigh* on occasion there are other issues than just "don't like it", and
it's not always possible to alert the cook ahead of time of personal issues.
I am personally an extremely picky eater, although I am willing to try most
things at least once.  There are, though, certain textures that I absolutely
cannot handle, and onions are a major NO for me.  Onion powder is fine,
anything else onion related, no way.  Same with Garlic, I love the flavor,
us the hell out of garlic powder and/or garlic salt, but garlic itself
unless cooked to absolute mush, won't come near me.  If I am able to do so,
I alert the cook to the things I cannot handle eating, if I am not able to
let the cook know in advance, I obviously have no other alternative than to
eat what I can and say "No, Thank you" on the things that I cannot eat.
Personally, I feel it's more polite to refuse/decline the things I cannot
handle eating than to take a serving and leave it on my plate.  I DETEST
wasting food, and to me that's wasting food, especially when there are
others there who do like the dish and might be interested in seconds.

Having said this, when I decline, I usually give a short explanation... ie:
No, Thank you, I have issues with onions.  I don't go into detail and tell
them how I react to onions, that's my business, but I do feel it's a bit
more polite to give a basic explanation... Although I have run across the
type individual who was mentioned in an earlier post who swears that they
can cook my "issue foods" where I won't know they're there and I will eat
them happily.  At that point, I tell them that I'm willing to give it a
shot, but I'm not responsible for the consequences if I have my normal
reaction.  Then I usually tend to avoid eating with that person again, just
to avoid the consequences :)

Elizabeta of Rundel

-----Original Message-----
From: sca-cooks-bounces+ladyemp=sbcglobal.net at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:sca-cooks-bounces+ladyemp=sbcglobal.net at lists.ansteorra.org] On
Behalf Of lilinah at earthlink.net
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 12:12 PM
To: sca-cooks at lists.ansteorra.org
Subject: Re: [Sca-cooks] P B & J

Judith Epstein wrote:
>  But when friends come over and someone says "No, thank you" to a dish
>  I know they CAN eat, I can't help but think "How rude."

Goodness, i think, "No, thank you" is perfectly polite! After all, 
they said the magic words, "Thank you". I'd rather they said no, than 
took some and wasted it by not eating it.

And that sure beats the heck out of, "Yuck, that stuff's nasty", or 
wailing "I don't wanna!". If that's from a small child, it's not 
polite, but not unexpected. But from an adult, well, yeah, i might 
not feed them again.
Urtatim (that's err-tah-TEEM)
the persona formerly known as Anahita
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