[Sca-cooks] Preserving peaches

Johnna Holloway johnnae at mac.com
Tue Aug 25 19:05:35 PDT 2009

Of course the Herball could be looked up and used in this edition
/The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by Iohn Gerarde 
of London Master in Chirurgerie/, Imprinted at London : by [Edm. 
Bollifant for [Bonham Norton and] Iohn Norton, 1597.
but it's late and it's much easier to just look up, cut and paste from 
the 1633 when it's this late.

Since I am still online with the university, I just took a look under 
"peach" and "cookery" and came up with
this one recipe from Dawson's 1587 The good husvvifes ievvell.

To make all maner of fruit Tartes.

YOu must boile your fruite, whether it be apple, cherie, peach, damson, 
peare, Mulberie, or codling, in faire water, and when they be boyled 
inough, put them into a bowle, and bruse them with a ladle, and when 
they be cold, straine them, and put in red wine or claret wine, and so 
season it with suger, sinamom and ginger.

There are a few more indexed under peach at medievalcookery.com


David Walddon wrote:
> For an earlier take there is always De Honesta.
> These two "recipes" come from the first five books so are not included in
> Martino, etc. 
> BK2 #12 De Persico Preserved Fresh Peaches. To keep fresh peaches bringe
> them overnight, remove them from the brine, place in a jar with salt,
> vinegar and savory.
> BK2 #12 De Persico Peaches in Wine. Cut them in pieces and cook, or soften
> them in wine. Serve as a final course following roasted meat.
> Eduardo 
> On 8/25/09 6:27 PM, "Johnna Holloway" <johnnae at mac.com> wrote:
> I took a look at the 1633 edition of The herball or Generall historie of
> plantes. Gathered by Iohn Gerarde of London.
> It's the one online so it's easy to use. He lists in Chapter 94 the
> following kinds:
> Jennifer Carlson wrote:
>>> snipped
>>> If I were to try using ingredients closer to those of the time period of the
>>> recipe, what varieties of peaches and what wines would be appropriate
>>> equivalents?
>>>  In servicio et humilitate,Talana

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