[Sca-cooks] Chai, was Cardamom, was articles was fine spice powder

Phil Troy / G. Tacitus Adamantius adamantius1 at verizon.net
Wed Aug 12 10:45:29 PDT 2009

On Aug 12, 2009, at 1:00 PM, lilinah at earthlink.net wrote:

> Daniel Schneider <macbrighid at campus.ie> wrote:
>> you could make *lots* of chai
> OK, this is a *cooks* list, so i *have* to vent. Please don't take  
> this personally, Daniel. It's not you. It's the whole world that's  
> crazy, except me and probably nearly every South Asian.
> Chai means tea
> Chai only means tea.
> (as in the kind from Camellia sinensis)
> If someone means tea with spices (and usually sweetener and milk),  
> these days they generally mean "masala chai"
> Chai means tea.
> Chai only means tea.
> This recent usage in the US (and i assume some other places) is  
> driving me nuts.
> What drives me even nuttier is "Chai tea". It's reduplicative. It's  
> not really informative. It's like saying "hamburger hamburger"
> PLEASE, PLEASE - i'm not shouting, i'm begging, i'm pleading - if  
> someone means *spiced tea* say "spiced tea" or "masala chai". PLEASE  
> PLEASE do not just say "chai".
> Chai means tea.
> Chai only means tea.
> This culinary public service announcement brought to you by
> -- 
> Urtatim (that's err-tah-TEEM)
> the persona formerly known as Anahita
> and by the letters C, M, and T

Before our chai tea, can we have sushi with rice, and maybe something  
with a nice Caesar Dressing, oh, and definitely something with Alfredo  

Adamantius Of The Twitching Eyelid

"Most men worry about their own bellies, and other people's souls,  
when we all ought to worry about our own souls, and other people's  
			-- Rabbi Israel Salanter

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