[Sca-cooks] Period Shabbat

Stefan li Rous StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
Tue Aug 25 00:31:46 PDT 2009

Phlip suggested:

> I'm thinking that those of you who do go to events while keeping
> strict Kosher would be more helpful to us poor non- Jews if perhaps
> you might have a small pamphlet or something to make available to
> Troll or someplace else, that will allow us to help you without
> violating your rules of conduct. After all, we may not always think
> of the right questions to ask- and I have no doubt that most of us
> are quite willing to do whatever is necessary to help you have the
> most pleasant possible event experience. After all, I certainly know
> that I couldn't do much of what I do to set up for events without
> the help of others. We're all in this together, folks ;-)

And Judith replied:
<<< That's a really good idea. I was thinking of offering to teach a  
at some point on the practicalities of Jewish observance at SCA events
and/or in the Middle Ages, so I guess I should spend this winter
working out some class materials, including a pamphlet such as you

Judith >>>

Judith, if you end up writing such an article or pamphlet, I would be  
interested in considering it for the Florilegium. That would get you a  
bit more coverage of the Known World. I know that strictly observant  
Jews seem to be much more prevalent up in the northeast than down here  
in the South. So many of us would be at a loss in knowing what  
restrictions you might be under and what we could and could not do, to  
help.  I know I've learned some things from this discussion in the  
last few days that I did not know or misunderstood.

I think planning this for next spring would have some additional  
advantages. Since you are still new to the SCA, this would give you  
time to work out what does and does not work for you. It also might  
give you the chance to experience a greater variety of SCA events, as  
well as events in different regions or even kingdoms. Of course one of  
my standard policies with the Florilegium is that I will accept  
updates at any time, which means that as you learn more or find  
changes you wish to make, you can always get your article updated,  
unlike something frozen into print form, as in say, TI.

While message files rather than articles, I have some other articles  
about and for the use of various minorities in the SCA, such as:
non-SCA-part-msg  (45K)  7/29/97    Dealing with partners who are not  
in the SCA
SCA-gays-msg      (16K)  9/17/98    Acceptance of Gays and Lesbians in  
the SCA.
SCA-minorites-msg  (7K) 10/31/00    Attitudes in the SCA toward  

THLord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
    Mark S. Harris           Austin, Texas          StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at:  http://www.florilegium.org ****

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