[Sca-cooks] Twill weaves and garb, was Re: Substitute for Potatoes?

Judith Epstein judith at ipstenu.org
Tue Aug 25 07:53:02 PDT 2009

Yes, these "simple" T-tunics were the things I mucked up so royally.  
Sewing, like cooking, is something maybe some people can learn from a  
book, but I cannot. I need someone with patience to show me in person.  
Thank you both, though. Let's get back to cooking. When did  
cranberries make it to the Old World? (I'm sure it wasn't in Period, I  
just want a new topic.)

On Aug 25, 2009, at 9:49 AM, Susan Lin wrote:

> Here's a website for a simple T tunic.
> http://sca.warhawkhobbies.com/ttunic.HTM
> On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 8:18 AM, Saint Phlip <phlip at 99main.com> wrote:
>> Take a length of cloth, maybe 3 yards.
>> Fold it in half, across the width.
>> Make a neck hole, and baste it so it doesn't run.
>> Cut out the sides, leaving youyrself sleeves, and stitch up the  
>> seams.
>> Use trim around the neck hole to solidify your neck seams.
>> Basic T tunic. Can make it short (knee length) or long (ankle  
>> length).

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