[Sca-cooks] Newbie Welcoming Techniques, was Contests was Definition of "Period Cooking" was Re: Substitute for Potatoes?

Judith Epstein judith at ipstenu.org
Tue Aug 25 08:09:10 PDT 2009

On Aug 25, 2009, at 10:04 AM, Barbara Benson wrote:

>> I was thinking that the approach was more like walking into a  locals
> bar in Boston and saying "Hows about those Yankees" in a loud voice.

Nice idea, but I was thinking of it more like walking into a Boston  
bar and saying "I'd like to learn a bit about baseball, but I'd like  
to start just by getting a ball and bat and learning to hit. Throwing  
and catching, I'll leave for a bit later; and the rulebook too, if I  
decide to join an actual team."  And since I'm the one who's doing  
this, I'm actually pretty accurate concerning what my intentions were.

The response is making me think, "This bar is not the place for me,  
until I've decided to invest time, money, effort, and pretty much my  
whole existence in this game."

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