[Sca-cooks] Cranberries was Twill weaves and garb,

Johnna Holloway johnnae at mac.com
Wed Aug 26 05:42:27 PDT 2009

Plus  cowberries, lingonberries, craneberries, lingberry, bogberries, etc.


Judith Epstein wrote:
> So, shorthanding this... I can use cranberries in Period cooking, 
> provided I can find documentation for a recipe using marshwort, 
> fenwort, fenberry, or mossberry?
> On Aug 25, 2009, at 8:54 PM, Johnna Holloway wrote:
>> And why do you think they didn't have a form of cranberry in the Old
>> World???
>> You see this is a trick question. Genus /Vaccinium/, family 
>> Ericaceae: several species.

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