[Sca-cooks] P B & J

lilinah at earthlink.net lilinah at earthlink.net
Wed Aug 26 10:11:51 PDT 2009

Judith Epstein wrote:
>  But when friends come over and someone says "No, thank you" to a dish
>  I know they CAN eat, I can't help but think "How rude."

Goodness, i think, "No, thank you" is perfectly polite! After all, 
they said the magic words, "Thank you". I'd rather they said no, than 
took some and wasted it by not eating it.

And that sure beats the heck out of, "Yuck, that stuff's nasty", or 
wailing "I don't wanna!". If that's from a small child, it's not 
polite, but not unexpected. But from an adult, well, yeah, i might 
not feed them again.
Urtatim (that's err-tah-TEEM)
the persona formerly known as Anahita

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