[Sca-cooks] Period Portable Lunch Foods

Elaine Koogler kiridono at gmail.com
Sat Feb 7 12:24:55 PST 2009

I don't know if you have BJ's down there, but they usually have great deals
on both nuts and dried fruit...and their dried apricots (Berkeley and Jensen
brand) are as good, if not better than any I've eaten.


On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Kingstaste <kingstaste at comcast.net> wrote:

> I appreciate the idea of making bread-things ahead of time, but it isn't
> really what I want to do.  For one, we have done the freeze-it and keep it
> thing, and I have tossed out way too much moldy bread up there.  For
> another, I just don't eat bready things that much any more.  I do use the
> gluten-free mixes occasionally, but I would rather eat non-breaded things,
> especially when it is hot at Pennsic.  Besides, we are assigning things to
> people to prepare each day, so we shouldn't have to do so much of the
> pre-war prep.  We will anyway, but there is no shortage of fresh food up
> there, and I would rather eat fresh/local/seasonal in any case.  We eat A
> LOT of fresh corn at Pennsic - lol.  We love to take advantage of the lamb
> sales Giant Eagle features when we're up there.  I know we'll be doing lamb
> kabobs and meatballs at least a few times.  The grape leaves will do well
> with that too. Thanks for the Restaurant Depot tip on that one, I will go
> find those. (Yes, we have several RD's here.)  I might look around for a
> good deal on pine nuts down here to take with me too, that sort of thing
> can
> save me cash while I'm there and be a good ingredient to use.  Hmm, I will
> have to take some rice dumpling wrappers, then we could make Asian-style
> rolled foods too...
> Kiri writes:
> Could you use gluten-free flour to make the pastry?  I've discovered that
> you can make things like this ahead of time, freeze them and they should
> last into the second week.  You might even consider the use of dry ice...if
> you put it so that it doesn't directly touch any food, and you don't touch
> it with your bare hands, it seems to work pretty well.  That would
> definitely keep them good through the second week.  The same thing can be
> done with the bread you mentioned.  Make it, freeze it, then keep it in
> coolers with dry ice.  In all cases, you can then pull things out of the
> "freezer" coolers as needed so they can thaw.
> Restaurant Depot has large cans of stuffed grapevine leaves that are
> excellent.  And they have a snap-on lid that can be used so that the can
> can
> be used for leftovers.  I'm not sure you have them down your way...you can
> go to their Web site to find out where the closest one is.
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