[Sca-cooks] spoiled meat

otsisto otsisto at socket.net
Tue Jul 21 03:18:54 PDT 2009

I received the latest issue of Renaissance Magazine. In the past few issues
they have added "the Castle Kitchen" by Alice the Cook. So far, the recipes
don't seem to have documentation but being in the magazine seems to imply
some sort of documentation.

Her recent recipe is Apricot Brandy Stuffed Pork.
Here are my questions.
1. I had come to understand brandy was post 1630s, am I incorrect in this

2. She states: "In renaissance dishes from many cultures, meats and fruits
were often combined. Originally, the sweetness of the fruits was used to
hide the acrid smells of spoiled meat and/or to remove the saltiness of
preserved (salted) meat. The fruits...."
Now I know that the use of spices to cover rancid meat is a myth but what of
her statement of fruit to cover spoiled meat?

She has written 2 cookbooks "Renaissance cooking" and "Renaissance Cooking
II: Visiting the Silk Road". Her bio says that she recreates recipes that
have been in the family since 1400s as well as exploring French, Spanish,
Italian, Middle Eastern, and Indian cuisine. Plus she specializes in
British, Irish, Scottish and Welsh cuisine. This does not help me figure out
whether I should just enjoy the recipes and take her statement with a cup of
salt or a bucket of salt.

Thank you,

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