[Sca-cooks] Hampton Court Kitchens

Elise Fleming alysk at ix.netcom.com
Tue Nov 10 15:16:23 PST 2009

Johnnae sent:


Really nice photos!  They appear to date from several years ago, but 
that doesn't take away from their worth.  Don't be misled by the label 
"Confectionery".  That wasn't the room that confections were made in 
during Henry's time.  It no longer exists, if I remember what Peter 
Brears said in "All the King's Cooks".

I've re-done the photos in my Flickr account, in case folk are 
interested.  They are at http://www.flickr.com/photos/8311418@N08/sets/

Just got back from Argentina with some neat shots of flowers and food, 
among other things.  I copied many of the food photos over to the set on 
Food.  Iguazu Falls was marvelous!  The area had suffered under weeks of 
rain and the Falls were overflowing.  The noise was so loud that it was 
hard to hear people talking.  I put a few short videos up to give an 
idea of the tremendous force of the water.

The Hampton Court and Ivan Day photos are similar to what they have been 
but I went through and added some additional comments about the food, 
recipes, etc.

Alys K.
Elise Fleming
alysk at ix.netcom.com

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