[Sca-cooks] The infamous "Top Chef" episode

edoard at medievalcookery.com edoard at medievalcookery.com
Mon Nov 16 06:21:32 PST 2009

> -------- Original Message --------
> From: David Walddon <david at vastrepast.com>
> Tom probably would have appreciated a giant Turkey leg!
> I think the problem here is how to get "medieval" without doing something
> esoteric and actually medieval.

Roast beef with camaline sauce on the side, turnips with cheese and
powder fine, mixed salat (spinach, fennel root, onion, etc.) with a
light vinaigrette, all served with wine, ale, or apple cider.

Easy, cheap, accessible to the average Joe, can be fancied up, and it's
*still* medieval.

- Doc

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