[Sca-cooks] Goat Cheese (Warning: Long)

wheezul at canby.com wheezul at canby.com
Fri Jun 4 09:59:50 PDT 2010

> Aelianora,
>   You are made of awesome- I now dub thee, Dr. Awesome!!
> In joyous service,
> Raffaella

I second Raffaella's dubbing of Aelianora as Dr. Awesome :)  And her goats
are adorable.

I thought I would post this little bit from the 1512 edition of Crescentiis'
"Das Buch von pflanzung der Äcker".  There is more here about the care of
goats including bits about proper penning for their jumping and something
about keeping them away from the garden :-)

Der nutz der geiß in den fellen /milch vnn geißlin uß iren fellen werden
die besten gezogen leder hoßzen und sattel deckeen rc Ir milch ist
meschlicher natur artzny / und besundern ungeronene und wenig keß materia
habende ir keß syn nit als löblich als der schaffe.  Ir fleisch is zü
drucken und hart dawlich.  Sunder der geißlin fleisch ist das best und
vierfüssigen gemeinen / und nemlich am so ge Uß der geißlin fellen werden
subtyl karten und gar lustbarlich schü den zarten menschen.

The use of goats [is] in the hides/milk from kids out of their hides comes
the best worked leather hosen and saddle blankets (or covers) rc Their
milk is to man's nature medicinal / and especially unrunny [geronnen is
used to describe the curd/whey separation in other contexts] and has
little cheese material Their cheese is not as estimable as the sheep's. 
Their meat is to dry and hard lasting.  However the kid's meat is the best
and four-hooved ordinarily / and the same that so go Out of the kid's hide
are [made] thin cards and very desirable shoes for the finer folk.

The bit after the hooves was difficult for me to understand.  I know that
the hooves were used to gelatinize dishes, so I think the author is
telling us that the kid meat is best and that also the hooves are
ordinarily used when called for.  Or he is saying it is ordinarily cooked
with the hooves.  I'd love other interpretations.  Anyway, I thought you
might be interested.


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