[Sca-cooks] Teaching Cooking 101

chawkswrth at aol.com chawkswrth at aol.com
Thu Jun 17 09:50:13 PDT 2010

First, congrats on being asked! That is no small thing for a child to do-they want to learn and heck, he was only asking to be taught by the best! <grin>

Your idea is excellent. I am a big proponent of every child learning how to cook, even the most basic rudiments, starting by age 6-7. Yes, they can help in the kitchen before that, but that is when they can start learning to truly feed themselves. 
Sadly, I run across teens and young adults who have problems thinking beyond sticking a box in a microwave-and we won't even go into what med students and residents consider food. (if it doesn't move....)

I am highly interested in something like this, as well. I have spent some time with Children, and with Teens. I can tell you that with the right approach, you could have a winner of a class. If you need any help, any suggestions, or just want to talk the class out, feel free to contact me. 

While I now work outside of the field, I have trained as a Home Ec. Teacher. <grin> Any help I can give, is yours!


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Gunter <dookgunthar at hotmail.com>
To: Cooks within the SCA <sca-cooks at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Thu, Jun 17, 2010 11:25 am
Subject: [Sca-cooks] Teaching Cooking 101

ast night as I was getting armored up for fighter practice a young
boy was sent over to me. His family is brand new to the SCA and
he asked me to take him as an apprentice. Um....I don't know this
kid and he obviously doesn't understand the term "apprentice" in the
SCA context. He told me he wanted to learn how to cook. I was a little
taken aback by it and don't really have time to have a stranger come
over to my house to learn cookery. So I told him to look for events
where there are feasts and to contact the cook to see if he can come
in and help. This would be a great place to learn basic food preparation
and get to know the cooking community. He seemed satisified with this
answer and went on.
But that got me to thinking that I want to start doing some "Cooking 101"
classes at things like King's College and Arts Symposiums. Maybe some
cooking weekends. I'd like to teach classes to people who are clueless in
the kitchen. Things like basic knife skills (how to dice vegetables, peeling,
julienne, mince, etc...how to break down a chicken, how to carve..), another
in basic cooking skills like sauteeing, deep frying, braise, etc...
So cooking classes for pople that can't cook. It seems that classes are
usually dedicated in how to do feasts or period dishes or whatever. And 
frequently are directed at people who are interested and experienced in
When the next A&S thing comes up I'll have to put in a class request and
see if there is any interest.
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