[Sca-cooks] Coler, Calendarium, 1592: On baking

emilio szabo emilio_szabo at yahoo.it
Thu Dec 22 14:36:21 PST 2011

Here are some minor changes and suggestions.

Coler, Calendarium, 1592

Von Backen.
In dem Monat pflegen etliche vleissige Hausswirt viel Brods 
zu backen / etliche hitzen oder gebecke nach einander.  Denn dz brot 
so diese zeit gebacken w(i)rd/ weret bis vmb Pfingsten hinaus/ vnnd 
ist im Hause sehr nützlich / denn es treuget wol aus / vnd settiget 
sehr.  Mancher becket diesen Monat so viel / das er Brods in seinem 
Hause biss auff Pfingsten genug hat.  Wer viel gesindes hat / 
dem ist dis eine nützliche Regel.

On Baking
During the month [December] some diligent heads of house use to bake
much bread / several heatings or baking portions one after another. The reason:
bread which is baked at this time is consumable up until Pentecost
and is very useful for the household / because it is of very good nutrition (?) and
very satisfying.  Many a head of the house  bakes so much in this month that he has
enough bread in his house until Pentecost.  To him who has many servants / 
this is a useful policy.

I guess that december is a good month for baking because there are no other agricultural duties pressing. No harvesting, no planting .. just an idea.


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