[Sca-cooks] lard

Patricia Dunham chimene at ravensgard.org
Fri Mar 4 14:11:38 PST 2011

OK, I'll file that idea in the back of my head...  the Hispanic grocery one.   We have several of those in town these days.

Of course what I was looking for a couple of years ago was not lard, but SUET.  Anybody know if a Hispanic grocery might be a reasonable source for that?  My grandmother's (at least Victorian) recipe for mincemeat (with meat, of course) calls for it.  I tried making it for the first time 2-3 years ago and could not find suet ANYWHERE, including our usual local local real butchers'.  Ended up in the industrial district at one of the two large-scale butchers in town and they took a chunk of white stuff off a side of beef for me and I ground it myself.  (The difference in scale:  the local local guys have a retail operation and, like, cut hunks down into chops and steaks; the large-scale guys take apart carcasses into the big-hunks the local-locals finish.)

Boy, the re-appearnce of REAL meat departments in up-scale groceries in the last 2 decades has been fascinating to observe.    


On Mar 4, 2011, at 10:28 AM, Stefan li Rous wrote:

> ... trouble  
> of finding a local source for lard. It's not as common as it once was.) >>>
> Perhaps it is more common here because of our high numbers of Hispanics and Mexican cooking.
> Stefan

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