[Sca-cooks] To cat or not to cat

Johnna Holloway johnnae at mac.com
Thu Aug 2 13:59:05 PDT 2012

Seasoning with weeds is one thing or adding them to a salad or a spring dish of greens. Foraging for such wild grown items is  popular, and I have had all the Richard Mabey books like Food for Free and In Search of Food for decades.  

But having only weeds and grass to eat with no grains, foodstuffs, or meat is quite another matter. Since the Casteau queries came up, I have been re-reading some of my histories of the potato and those always involve accounts of the famine in the 19th century. The Irish in the countryside tried to live off nettles, grass, and weeds to no avail when the potato harvest failed in the 1840s. We may play around with concept cookery like siege contests often with a scenario where the castle has been under siege and supplies are short, and you get a box of stuff and are asked to create a meal based on it, but in general we don't recreate or research famine cookery. 


On Aug 2, 2012, at 4:34 PM, Donna Green wrote:

> Yes, lamb's quarters (aka fat hen) is also a very tasty week that is very good for you.
>  As for the cat recipe, I read it to my kitty when she's naughty. It doesn't help :-)
> Juana Isabella
> HEY!  Don't knock the weeds.  Some of them are quite tasty and nutritious.
> Ever added lemon sorrel to soup?
> Ian of Oertha

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