[Sca-cooks] Gulf Wars - roll call?

lilinah at earthlink.net lilinah at earthlink.net
Fri Feb 3 19:05:50 PST 2012

Madhavi wrote:
>I will be at Gulf Wars!
>I'm cooking the Trimaris Queen's Luncheon on Wednesday and in charge of the
>food at the Known World Party on Friday. 
>We're trying a totally new idea for the Known World Party- the theme is 1001
>Nights and we're going for all medieval food. Check it out:
>I'm just stupid excited about the whole project. 

Sadly, the link goes to one of those sites that lost its original owner and is now kinda spam-ish.

But it sounds like a great idea! I hope all goes well.

When i tried to get to Gulf Wars a couple years ago, i got caught in a whiteout blizzard and never made it. I can only afford to go to one distant war and i will be teaching several cooking classes at Pennsic this year.

West Kingdom, Mists Principality
San Francisco Bay Area

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