[Sca-cooks] Four queries, query 2

Elise Fleming alysk at ix.netcom.com
Sun Jul 1 03:23:54 PDT 2012

Johnna wrote:
 >I checked PPC 15 and didn't find any notes there by Philip Hyman. I 
 >think this may be a reference to Early French Cookery Books (NQ) 
which >actually appeared in PPC 5,66; Their article on Batatas appears 
in >4,52. I don't have that issue of Benporat's

Which issue don't you have?  I have all of them and could check 
something if wanted.  I haven't really been following this thread.  PPC 
5's note by the Hymans is a request to find Frency cookery books written 
before 1640.  They list several that they are looking for.  The name 
Moulin isn't in that request.

In PPC 4, there is Gerard's passing mention of the Italians using sweet 
potatoes. I hadn't been following this thread but if there's something I 
can check in PPC 4's article by the Hymans, let me know.

Alys K.

Elise Fleming
alysk at ix.netcom.com
alyskatharine at gmail.com

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