[Sca-cooks] PIckling

Sharon Palmer ranvaig at columbus.rr.com
Mon Jul 16 14:26:42 PDT 2012

>48. Ein condimentlin (A condiment). Mal kümel und enis mit pfeffer und
>mit ezzige und mit honige. und mach ez gel mit saffran. und tu dar zu
>senf. in disem condimente maht du sulze persilien, bern und clein
>cumpost oder rüeben, waz du wilt.
>Flavor caraway seeds and anise with pepper and with vinegar and with
>honey. And make it gold with saffron. And add thereto mustard. In this
>condiment you may make sulze(pickled or marinated) parsley, and small
>preserved fruit and vegetables, or beets, which(ever) you want.
>[Ein Buch von guter spise, (Germany, ca. 1345 - Alia Atlas, trans.)]

A couple parts of that translation seemed off, so 
I compared it with Adamson's translation, and I 
don't entirely agree with her either (the nerve 
of me!)  I'd read it as:

A condiment.  Grind caraway and anise with pepper 
and with vinegar and with honey.  And make it 
yellow with saffron.  And add mustard to it.  In 
this condiment you make pickled (or salted) 
parsley (root), pears and small compost (finely 
cut cabbage?) or turnips, whatever you want.

Adamson translates "condiment" as sauce,

cumpost as "sauerkraut",  Grimm has sauerkraut as 
one definition of Compost, but in context, I 
think this means finely shredded cabbage or 
perhaps salted cabbage.

"sulze persilien, bern" as jellied meat with 
parsley berries or jellied parsley berries.

Her book lists another transliteration which has 
"Piren" rather than "birn", and I think this is 
more likely to mean pears than berries, parsley 
or otherwise.

The parsley is likely to mean parsley root, rather than the greens.

Per Grimm, "sulze" originally meant salted or 
brined, and from there the kind of meat that gets 

All in all, this sounds like the compost found in other recipes.


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