[Sca-cooks] The Pomegranate Tool

Susan Lin susanrlin at gmail.com
Wed Dec 4 13:21:01 PST 2013

I wouldn't spend my money on it.  It's a unitasker.  I just break the
pomegranate apart and use my thumb.  Doesn't take that long.  If you do it
under water in a bowl it keeps the arils from flying around as well.  Also,
grocery stores sell the arils already out of the fruit.


On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 12:00 PM, Johnna Holloway <johnnae at mac.com> wrote:

> Has anyone seen one of these or used one?
> It'a advertised as being:
> Perfect for juicing or a healthy snack, this novel gadget takes the mess
> out of seeding pomegranates. Simply place a halved pomegranate on the grid,
> cover with the silicone dome, hold the dome securely against the bowl, and
> strike it firmly using a wide, heavy spoon to remove the seeds.
> http://www.surlatable.com/product/PRO-1241645/?om_u=AToTeZ&om_i=_BSnzuXB826XtjH&ch=eml
> Johnnae
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