[Sca-cooks] Austrian State Museum Cookery Books

Johnna Holloway johnnae at mac.com
Thu Dec 5 04:07:39 PST 2013

According to the initial page, the earliest is 1646 (von 1646) for the database of recipes taken from the manuscripts.

Here's some more info. Google Translate works pretty well.
The library has 87 handwritten cookbooks from the period from 1646 to the 20th Century.

The recipe database of the library of the Upper Austrian Provincial Museum contains original recipes from the handwritten cookbooks of her collection from 1646 to the 20th Century. 
Please note that this database is emerging, it is constantly being expanded. 
The database contains: 
The original recipe name
The modernized recipe name
The assignment to a division of food
A list of the main ingredients
The complete transcription of the recipe text (sporadically!)
The complete transfer in contemporary language and units of measure (planned)
The pictorial representation of the original text (in progress)
The source of the recipe (Cookbook detection by signature and page number)
The printed collection is described here:
 The oldest printed cookbook library comes from, 1552. It is Balthasar Staindls "Ain künstlichs and nutzlichs cookbook," printed at Augsburg by Valentin Ottmar. 

The next volume that is featured seems to be 1718.

Certainly worth a browse.


On Dec 5, 2013, at 6:25 AM, Elise Fleming wrote:

> Greetings! From another site there is notice that "The Östereichisches Landesmuseum (Austrian State Museum) is working on analysis and open access of their collection of recipe manuscripts and printed cookbooks from the 16th to the 20th century (site is in German only):
> http://www.alteskochbuch.at/rezeptdatenbank.html "
> Enjoy searching! Alys K.

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