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Thu Apr 10 15:59:49 PDT 2014

To make a fat tarte with rice
Wash the rice well and make it cleane and boyle it in fat broth, and
being boyled, take it out and dry it, then take a little new cheese
stamped with egges, sugar and rosewater according to the quantity you
will make, and if you will you may adde a little milke, and this being
mixed together bake it in a pan and observe the order prescribed for
white tarts but it must have less chese then the other aforesaid.
To make tarts in fleshtime and first to make a white Tarte
Take two poiunds of good new chese and cut it smal and then stampe it,
then take fiftene or firten whites of egges and temper and mire them
with the cheese putting thereto a pound of sweet butter and some milke
as much as will sufice, then make your paste and let it be some what
thin, and let it bake with a soft fire both under and over it, and let
him bee some what brown, and when hee is baked straw sugar and rosewater
upon it.

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