No subject

Thu Apr 10 15:59:49 PDT 2014

Take a fair urthen pot, and lay hit well with splentes in the bothum that t=
flessh neight hit not; then take rybbes of beef or faire leches, and couche
hom above the splentes, and do therto onyons mynced, and clowes, and maces,
and pouder of pepur and wyn, and stop hit well that no eyre go out, and set=
hit wyth esy fyre.

A pot roast of beef, or some shortribs - ca 3 lbs (chuck is good)
1-2 onions, minced
ca =BD tsp each whole cloves, peppercorns, and whole mace (or a much smalle=
quantity of ground cloves, pepper, and mace)
=BD cup red wine

Put the beef in the pot on rack or splints if the pot does not have a ridge=
bottom, especially if it is not an unglazed baker) and scatter the onions a=
spices over it.  The pour over the red wine, close the pot tightly, and
roast; about 2 hours at 325 degrees, or follow whatever procedure you usual=
use for pot roast of this size.  To serve, put the beef on a serving platte=
and strain the pot juices over it.
(The above original and redaction are from Pleyn Delit, by Constance Hieatt
and Sharon Butler.)

Brangwayna Morgan

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