[Sca-cooks] Welserin #177

Sharon Palmer ranvaig at columbus.rr.com
Fri Apr 25 14:13:16 PDT 2014


I looked at the original German to check which 
word was used for the cheese (kesß or Käß). I 
hope you don't mind my pointing out that I 
noticed a translation issue with this recipe.


  Teig or Taig can mean either batter or dough. 
The sentence that is translated as "Then prepare 
the dough (taig) as for a flat cake (fladen)" The 
word "fladen" also appears in recipe 160. I think 
it is telling you to add a batter or custard 
(ormilch), like that recipe but with a little fat 
added.  So the filling is not just apples and 
cheese, but apples and cheese in custard.

You might want to look at 135 which says "Let it 
cook together like egg-milk (ormilch)", so it may 
mean a cooked custard not just a mix of milk and 


<<135>> Ain ortorten
Nim 20 or vnnd soúil milch als die air vnnd klopfs woll
vnnderainander, lasß vnnderainander sieden wie ain ormilch,
rier dan zúcker darúnder, mach ain bedellin, streichs
glat, daraúff thú ain rossenwasser daran vnnd thús jn die
tortenpfanen, thú glút darúnder vnnd darjber, bach s?

135 An egg tart
Take twenty eggs and as much milk as eggs and 
beat it well together. Let it cook together like 
egg-milk, then stir sugar into it. Make a pastry 
shell and roll it smooth. Then put rose water 
therein and put it into a tart pan, put heat 
under and over it, bake it until brown.

<<160>> Ain fladen zú machen
Nim ain ormilch, die woll aúßgesechnet sey, schlag wider
air darein vnnd weinberlen, schlags aúff den boden, lasß sittig

160 To make flat cakes
Take egg-milk, which should be well strained, 
beat fresh eggs therein and raisins, throw it in 
a pastry crust and let it bake slowly.

<<177>> Ain tortta von epffel zú machen
Nempt epffel, schelts vnnd stosts ain ribeissen, darnach
rests jm schmaltz/ dan thiet daran soúil geriben kesß als epfel,
ain wenig gestossen negelen, ain wenig jmber vnnd zimerrerlach,
zway air, riert es woll dúrchainander, dan mach
den taig wie zú ainem fladen, thút ain knepflin schmaltz
darein, damit es sy nit anlaff, vnnd vnnden vnnd oben ain
wenig glút, lasß gemach bachen.

>Greetings, All!
>Looking for suggestions as to what kind of cheese to use for this recipe:
>177 To Make an Apple Tart
>Take apples, peel them and grate them with a grater, afterwards fry them in
>fat.  Then put in as much grated cheese as apples, some ground cloves, a
>little ginger and cinnamon, two eggs.  Stir it together well.  Then prepare
>the dough as for a flat cake, put a small piece of fat into it so that it
>does not rise, and from above and below, weak heat.  Let it bake slowly.
>She specifies Parmesan cheese in some other recipes, though those are more
>savory-sounding.  Would this be a softer cheese instead of Parmesan?

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