[Sca-cooks] Taking one for the team.

Kathleen Roberts karobert at unm.edu
Tue Jan 7 07:04:17 PST 2014

I watched it... checked my qualms at the door and lifted a frosty bev.  Did not expect much and received same in abundance.  After a hard day at work it was enjoyable idiocy.  And I really like Penn Gilette in general.

I certainly saw at least one person who should have gotten the boot last night, but I shan't post any spoilers. ;)

Lentil soup, barley salad - not bad.  Farro is an ancient grain, but I don't recall reading much of it in period.  Cook hunk-o-beef in form of steak not too bad (I am going to try the OOP brown sugar coating tho).   Eggplant porridge (ugh!  awful name) close enough to ME cooking (except for mistaken chipotle).   My husband came through and asked "Where are the turkey legs?"  My old joke:  What's the dif between the SCA and a RenFaire?  A $10.00 turkey leg that isn't period anyway.  At least they steered clear of those.  And I hope the eating public got a free ticket to a regular menu meal at a later date.

Boy, what I wouldn't have given for that outside set up at all the siege cookings I have done...  those stoves were better than I have in my house!

Entertainment?  What entertainment?  Off with their heads....  except for Penn and the Bachelor guy (for poking fun at himself).  One blooded already... some celebutards should NOT be allowed to use objects sharper than their wit.

Luau next week?  Really?  It is definitely going theme this season.

I live for Cut Throat Kitchen because Alton is having so much fun.

Kathleen Roberts

Supervisor, Student Records

Office of Admissions

Division of Enrollment Management

University of New Mexico


"Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy."  W.B. Yeats

"The hand that rocks the ladle rules the world."  Nadia G.

From: sca-cooks-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org <sca-cooks-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org> on behalf of Johnna Holloway <johnnae at mac.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 6:33 AM
To: Cooks within the SCA
Subject: Re: [Sca-cooks] Taking one for the team.

Thanks for the description.
Maybe I can catch a repeat one of these days.


On Jan 7, 2014, at 7:41 AM, morgana <morgana at gci.net> wrote:

> On Jan 7, 2014, at 2:47 AM, Johnna  wrote:
>> Did they actually cook anything that is not already commonly served at one of
>> these medieval themed dinners/entertainments?
> As I've never been to one, I wouldn't know. But I did find it entertaining that they were made to cook everything outdoors, but had access to food processors!
>> I presume they didn't have time to shop and had to make do with a common pantry
>> of ingredients.
> I didn't see any sign of where they got their food, not that they needed anything special, as they set their 'menus' with no cookbooks in sight.
> Definitely a train wreck from the beginning, but almost funny.
> Morgana
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