No subject

Fri May 9 12:02:20 PDT 2014

broth, and do ther-to a gode party of Oynons mynced.  Take Pork soden; grynd
it and alye it her-with and with zolkes of ayren. Do ther-to saffron and
salt, and messe it forth with powder douce.
     'Gourds' may mean gourds, squash, pumpkin, or even cucumbers. In this
case, squash seems an appropriate choice, but pumpkin is perfectly feasible.


 2 lb squash or pumpkin, peeled, seeded, and cut into chunks (I used yellow
squash, since I detest zuccini)
3-4 onions, minced
3 C meat broth (approx)
1/2--1 C ground, cooked pork
2 egg yolks (or 1 whole egg), beaten
pinch saffron or turmeric
salt to taste
1/8 t each: cinnamon & ginger
1 t sugar

Boil the squash in the broth with the onions.  Stir in ground pork &
seasonings when almost done.  Take off the fire and beat in egg or egg yolks
just before serving.
A variation offered is that you can sprinkle the saffron threads over the
squash as a decorative touch...she quotes the Menagier that this is called
"fringed with saffron".

I've cooked this for mundane friends.  It's a little different, but not
Devra the Baker

Devra Langsam
devra at

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