No subject

Fri May 9 12:02:20 PDT 2014

steadily increasing use in Europe from the 12th
Century on (after Europeans took control of some sugar plantations from the
Arabs).  There was a major expansion in sugar planting (Canaries, Azores and
Africa) starting in the mid-15th Century which effectively dropped the price
of sugar in Europe.  With the discovery of the New World the expansion
continued into the Caribbean.

>It's hard to say what, exactly, people did with their bread at the
>beginning of a medieval feast, but it's evident bread was available
>early in most medieval feasts.

At least part of the time, it was sliced at the table as evidenced in some
13th-14th Century paintings and illuminations.  The Irish appear to have use
butter blended with cereal meal as a spread for bread, but there isn't much
evidence for what they did with it in those "civilized" places.


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