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Fri May 9 12:02:20 PDT 2014

This site will lead you to the Olden Cook's Ring, the Recipe Ring, and the
Medieval and Renaissance Cookery Webring.

Medieval and Renaissance food Homepages
The most respected SCA cooking documents live here, including those of Duke
Sir Cariadoc le Bow and his lady-wife Mistress Elizabeth. Find may primary
sources through links.

Food and Famine
A list of links to other websites regarding medieval food and famine from . See especially The Rise of Chivalry (bakers guilds), Cooking
from Primary Sources, and the Viking food information at the bottom of the

Food and Drink in Anglo-Saxon England (Regia Anglorum)
(Excerpt from site) When we visit the shops in England today, we are
presented with a wealth of fruit and vegetables from all corners of the
planet from which to choose. For people in this country in the tenth and
eleventh century this could not happen. They had only such foods as could b=
cultivated seasonally or found wild. Exotic foods such as potatoes,
tomatoes, bananas, pineapples - fruits and vegetables of the New World, wer=
unknown here. Mediterranean fruits, such as lemons and oranges were, as far
as we know, not imported, although we have documentary proof for the
importation of such things as figs and grapes ( Viking Age England, Julian
Richards, p94 ).

Medieval Poland Food and Drink
Recommended books and links on this difficult-to-research topic.'s Medieval Food Books section: .
(Excerpt from site) The Food Heritage Press is your first stop on the
internet for scholarly works on food and culinary topics during the Middle

Medieval Food and Drink:
A list of links to medieval food and drink information from Marijah's
Bibliography of Renaissance and Medieval Europe.

"When I am dead, I hope it may be said: 'His sins were scarlet but his book=
were read."
Hilliare Belloc.
"The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make
Tom Clancy.
If you steal from one author, it's plagiarism; if you steal from many, it's
Wilson Mizner.
"Only one thing is impossible for God: To find any sense in any copyright
law on the planet."
Mark Twain.

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