No subject

Fri May 9 12:02:20 PDT 2014

See  'Banquetting Stuffe' The Fare and Social
Background of the Tudor and Stuart Banquet, 1991
 and The Appetite and the Eye: Visual Aspects of
Food and its Presentation within Their Historic Context,
 1992. Both volumes were edited by C. Anne Wilson and
 were originally published by Edinburgh University Press.
 Peter Brears article "Rare Conceits and Strange Delightes:
 The Practical Aspects of Culinary Sculpture" in
 volume one contains a list of dishes suitable for
 banqueting fare taken from Holmes' The Academy of Armoury
 of 1688. Brears then provides recipes and instructions
 plus a bibliography for many of the dishes mentioned.

Many of these recipes are then repeated and expanded
 upon in Brears' All the King's Cooks which deals
 with the Tudor Kitchens of Henry the VIII. There
are pictures of what they are doing now in terms of
recreating marchepanes and such.
 Another excellent source is Ivan Day's Eat, Drink,
 and Be Merry. The British at Table 1600-2000.
Also take a look at:
Glanville, Philippa and Hilary Young, Eds.
Elegant Eating. Four Hundred Years of Dining
 in Style. London: V&A Publishers, 2002.
For illustrations... Fabulous Feasts has illustrations...

There are a number of personal websites that are up with
photos from Society feasts, but I am not sure that we have
clearinghouse for those. You might search some of the central
kingdom pages and see if there are links. Stefan has been
talking about photos, but they aren't up yet.
If you can locate the source of the artwork or illustration
from a book, you can then search the web for it and see
if it there. This sometimes much easier than attempting to check
on images files through google or altavista or dogpile.
The indexing/description isn't there yet.

Hope this helps--

Johnna Holloway  Johnnae llyn Lewis

Lis wrote: snipped---
> I need to find wood cuts or illustrations or other
> Historical PICTORIAL evidence of sotelties, warners, etc.  This is one of the
> questions someone asked at a recent Artist's forum, and I've managed to find
> info for all the entrants questions but this one. Also noteworthy would be
> modern pictures on the net, etc. of  redactions of actual soteltie
> recipes/directions.
> Thanks, and hugs all 'round
> > Aoife

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