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Fri May 9 12:02:20 PDT 2014

Armored Turnips

Platina book 8

Cut up turnips that have been either boiled or cooked under the ashes.
Likewise do the same with rich cheese, not too
ripe. These should be smaller morsels than the turnips, though. In a pan
greased with butter or liquamen, make a layer of
cheese first, then a layer of turnips, and so on, all the while pouring in
spice and some butter, from time to time. This dish
is quickly cooked and should be eaten quickly, too.

1 lb turnips (5 little)
10 oz cheddar cheese
2 T butter
1/2 t cinnamon
1/4 t ginger
1/4 t pepper

Boil turnips about 30 minutes, peel and slice thin, layer turnips and
sliced cheese in 9"x5" baking pan, and bake 30 minutes at
350deg. .

-who leaves the butter out, or it absolutely swins in grease. Is modern
cheddar higher in fat than 'rich cheese'?
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