[Sca-cooks] Oxford Symposium Books: Free Download

Elise Fleming alyskatharine at gmail.com
Sat Mar 26 15:30:21 PDT 2016

Greetings! I don't recall seeing this announced here, but even if it 
was... Here is an announcement of interest:
"Due to the extraordinary generosity of the Friends of the Oxford 
Symposium, volumes from Symposia prior to the most recent three years 
are now available on Google Books and as free downloads here – use the 
links below. The OSFC also thanks Tom Jaine, former publisher of the 
Proceedings, for his cooperation in making the PDFs available to us. - 
See more at: http://www.oxfordsymposium.org.uk/proceedings/downloads

Have fun!

Alys K.
Elise Fleming
alyskatharine at gmail.com

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